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Technology research dealing with the relationship between culture and technology. The tradition has its roots back to the Frankfurt Schools critique recharge watch battery technology, but has since developed in many directions. Some of the best known examples of newer technology sociology is among other Bruno Labours actor theories of technologies political significance. This newer tradition is all rather about recharge api free how man is to create technology by using it and how technology affects people.

We are aware of the sociology of technology is part of a tradition in technology research, and it should be emphasized that we do not involve as a school, but rather see it as a recharge api free good predicate for what we have subsided us in this project, in sociological focus on technology.


Collect empirical data

Thus, we examine the social context as mobile occurs and how the mobile phone can help to support this. In addition, a more specific treatment of the mobile phone as a medium, but the focus is once again on how it is used and what social consequences mobile culture. By reviewing a number of digital concepts are all based on more or less the same area as ours, we will on recharge watch battery how this section looks at the present time.

We will then integrate these experiences with selected sociological theory to put these details into a comprehensive sociological studies of the modern user. This is especially needed since many of these services are based in communities. An important task for us here is to explain what communities can be said to be of recharge api free a size. This would result in a description of the concept we have devised in the light of the knowledge we have gained by working with the above.


Before examining the empirical data we have collected in the test of our prototype, we will review the theory of diffusion of new concepts/ innovations. Its being done in order to be able to say something about what we have done of considerations and design choices for the launch of our prototype.

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Al theory and case review have recharge api free in common that it serves as the basis and explanation of the choices we have made about the concept design and design and how these can be justified on the theory and empirical data from the other concepts we have studied. In the end, we will review the empirical data we've collected by testing our prototype, and hold it up against our claims to look at the validity of these.

Reading guide This section aims to briefly describe how the project is set up, why each section is taken, and why they come in that order. This section can also be brief summary to give the reader an idea of the content of the project. Ongoing through reading this section can be used to keep the overview. Chapter1 Concept Description The project starts with a brief description of our concept Olive, designed with the aim to test recharge watch battery our assumptions about what digital location specific communication is and how it can be used.